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Hi, I’m Mariyah, thank you for visiting my website. If you’re looking for support and guidance on mental health and wellbeing, I hope I can help you.

Allow me to introduce myself:


Before I set up my consultancy, I worked as a Director of Student Support. I was passionate about wanting to make a powerful impact on the well-being of staff and students. I believed and still do, that happy staff leading classrooms, model well-being far more effectively than anything else ever could. And, that children who have been taught self-awareness are more able to navigate all aspects of their lives with wisdom. During my career, I have inspired, guided, coached, taught and mentored thousands of students and numerous professionals. I have helped guide parents and trained teachers. And most of my career, I have been very happy. 


In 2001, I developed an intense curiosity about what constituted optimal mental health and well-being. Facing a serious challenge in my personal life, I was at a loss as to how to manage and surmount the experience. I knew for certain that I wanted to get through the challenge without toxic residue. I had seen this happen to many other people and I knew that I didn’t want this for myself. I believed, although I didn’t know how, that it was possible to get through adversity and thrive. I could learn from the experience, and as the Japanese art of Kintsugi teaches, to shine even more brightly in my own life than I had done before. 

And this is when everything in my life changed.


I decided to research what made people thrive and flourish in the face of adversity, compared to those who didn’t.  I was intrigued and full of questions.  This led to a 10-year journey, during which I retrained in various psychological modalities. I obtained postgraduate certifications in:


  • Neuro Linguistic Programming,

  • Coaching & Mentoring and

  • Applied Positive Psychology.


I spent time on Intensive courses led by:


  • Deepak Chopra.

  • The Berne Institute studying Transactional Analysis.


I invested time in several self-study programmes developed by Eckhart Tolle, Michael Singer, Marianne Williamson, Dr Amy Johnson, and Dr Bill Pettit.


In 2019, I left my role, to set up my educational consultancy that helps equip people of all ages to understand the most important device in their lives – their mind. My work is prevention-focused. I now work solely in helping support my clients with an in-depth understanding of how the human operating system works, and the power of our innate well-being and resilience. In my experience, it is one of the best investments we can make for ourselves and those we love and support.  I have pooled everything that I have learned from my 20 years of practice, into a bespoke training and educational package that will help you understand experientially, what constitutes robust mental health and wellbeing.


Reasons to appoint my services:


  • Strong background and inside-out understanding of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (over two decades)

  • An Outstanding Practitioner for almost my entire career.

  • Advised, guided, and mentored, students, parents, teachers, and leaders.

  • Developed and led a powerful programme called: "Earth Angels", that helped create a welcoming inclusive college environment.

  • Piloted a project that bridged the gap between students diagnosed with mental health issues and those awaiting support.

  • I have worked with and continue to work with organisations within the public and private sectors, such as Barnardo's, West Midlands Police, Health Education England, GallifordTry and The Association of School and College Leaders.


I believe that when the mind works well, everything does. Life has its inevitable challenges, this can’t be avoided. However, what we can do, is equip ourselves and our teams, families and children with an experiential understanding of what robust mental health and well-being look like. This understanding will help harness a confidence that we can navigate every aspect of life with a real sense of agency. 



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